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Forced and child marriage is a global problem, but it doesn’t just happen “over there” — it affects individuals living right here in the United States.

A 2011 national survey conducted by Tahirih found as many as 3,000 cases of forced marriage were encountered in just a 2-year period, all across the country.

U.S. victims of forced and child marriage face severe and lifelong consequences—including physical, psychological, sexual, and economic abuse, medical and mental health problems, being pulled out of school or college, and a loss of freedom to choose and make their own futures.

A victim may have only one chance to reach out for help and yet here, in the United States of America, with all our laws and resources, she will often fall between the cracks.

We need your help to end forced marriage in the United States.

Do Something!

Please sign our petition to urge the President to create a national action plan to end forced marriage in the United States. Click here to sign.