Local Offices
Our award-winning model of service assisted clients in five high-need locations across the United States.

In 2024, Tahirih Atlanta:
- Co-sponsored Stand with Survivors Day, a one-day event at the Georgia state capitol to educate elected officials about legislation that affects survivors of domestic violence, their families, and communities.
- Co-hosted a community conversation with Kennesaw State University in which our Executive Director served on a panel to discuss the impact of harmful policies on underrepresented groups including immigrant survivors.
- Provided training to school districts including Fulton County, Marietta City, and Cobb County centered around best practices in working with immigrant survivors of gender-based violence and utilizing Tahirih services as a resource.
- Presented a workshop led by our Managing Attorney on immigration literacy and trauma-informed care for empowering survivors at the Georgia Commission on Family Violence Statewide Conference.
- Partnered with United Way of Greater Atlanta to meet critical housing needs for our clients.
- Participated in outreach events providing information to community members and potential service seekers, connecting resources and amplifying survivor voices to 1,845 people.
- Organized our first legal clinic in partnership with pro bono attorneys from Visa who assisted four families with their applications for the U visa.
Individuals Impacted in Atlanta Through Free Legal Services

134 individuals
65 family members

Tahirih Atlanta Executive Director Vanessa Wilkins speaks at Stand with Survivors Day, an annual day of advocacy at the Georgia state capitol supporting survivors of domestic violence.

Tahirih Atlanta staff organized a volunteer event in partnership with UPS, educating UPS employees on Tahirih’s mission and assembling care kits for our clients in Atlanta.
Atlanta by the Numbers
clients and their family members connected to vital social services
pro bono attorneys who co-counseled cases
community members and frontline professionals trained

In 2024, Tahirih Baltimore:
- Mobilized Tahirih attorneys to station themselves at Maryland Immigration Courts and provide accessible legal support and humanitarian protection rights education to immigrant women, children, and families in the Family Expedited Removal Management (FERM) process.
- Provided in-depth training series to more than 200 legal advocates and volunteer attorneys on how to litigate gender-based asylum in immigration court, in partnership with a retired immigration judge.
- Partnered with the Baltimore City Sheriff’s Office to help their office create their first published policy on law enforcement certification for survivors eligible for the U visa and T visa.
- Expanded our services by welcoming an Immigration Justice Corps fellow who will represent unaccompanied child survivors of gender-based violence.
- Organized three legal clinics, in partnership with Maryland-based firms, to train 45 volunteer attorneys and paralegals in preparing applications for the U visa, work authorization, and asylum for 23 survivors and their children.
- Maryland Managing Attorney Daniella Prieshoff wrote an op-ed published in the Baltimore Banner titled, “Immigrants Make Our Communities Better. Our Words Must Show it,” that focused on the harm of anti-immigrant rhetoric and what we can do to change the conversation and support immigrant communities.
Individuals Impacted in the Baltimore Region Through Free Legal Services

303 individuals
175 family members

Tahirih Baltimore attorneys trained and hosted a legal clinic in partnership with the law firm Hogan Lovells.

Tahirih Baltimore staff conducted a training on the U Visa for our new pro bono partners at Miles & Stockbridge.
Baltimore Region by the Numbers
clients and their family members connected to vital social services
pro bono attorneys who co-counseled cases
community members and frontline professionals trained

Greater DC
In 2024, Tahirih Greater DC:
- Partnered with La Clinica del Pueblo to successfully host two legal clinics, providing 20 individuals with a supportive environment to receive essential legal guidance.
- Organized Know Your Rights presentations, equipping immigrants with critical knowledge about their constitutional rights and the U.S. legal system for residents in the District and Virginia.
- Planned the first nationwide Adjustment Clinic with our partners at Latham & Watkins, which supported clients in four of our locations, including Washington, D.C. and Baltimore.
- Attended the DC Mayor’s Office on Latino Affairs Annual Community and Know Your Rights Event where we equipped 100 individuals from the immigrant community with information about their rights.
- Welcomed two new Baha’i Service Fellows on the Greater DC team supporting our social services and legal services.
- Presented as expert panelist during the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office Domestic Violence Awareness Public Forum, solidifying our relationship with law enforcement in Loudoun County.
- Joined the DC Consortium of Legal Services Provider and the DC Social Justice Transformation Network, strengthening our partnership network in the region.
- Organized an event with Hewlett Packard employees at their offices in VA assembling wellness bags for clients.
Individuals Impacted in the Greater DC Region Through Free Legal Services

373 individuals
262 family members

Tahirih Greater DC attorneys partnered with La Clinica del Pueblo to host a legal clinic.

Tahirih Greater DC staff participated in the DC Mayor’s Office on Latino Affairs annual community fair, providing know your rights information to DC residents.
Greater DC Region by the Numbers
clients and their family members connected to vital social services
pro bono attorneys who co-counseled cases
community members and frontline professionals trained

In 2024, Tahirih Houston:
- Celebrated our 15th anniversary since opening our doors in Houston.
- Secured a win for the Harris County Enhanced Library Card at the Sherriff’s office, which now accepts the card as a valid form of secondary ID.
- Trained almost 200 domestic violence service providers across Texas and the United States on the impacts of TX SB 4 on immigrant survivors of violence and important legal protections for survivors, in partnership with ASISTA and the Texas Council on Family Violence.
- Advocated to the Harris County Language Access Team for better language access across all departments and promoted collaboration with the District Attorney’s Office Victim/Witness Division to fill gaps.
- Launched the third cohort of our Kitchen Table Conversations program building community and advocacy skills for survivors, inviting current clients to participate for the first time since the program started in 2020.
- Raised awareness of hate incidences experienced by immigrants and encouraged dialogue on the importance of inclusive language, in partnership with Daya and Boat People SOS.
- Organized an interactive webinar, in collaboration with TAAF Houston City Partners and the Asia Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence, focusing on the power of inclusive language to shape identity and culture.
Individuals Impacted in Houston Through Free Legal Services

549 individuals
416 family members

Tahirih Houston celebrated their 15th anniversary at the Journey to Justice luncheon.

Tahirih Houston staff held a community Know Your Rights event to educate immigrant community members about the impact of Texas legislation SB 4.
Houston by the Numbers
clients and their family members connected to vital social services
pro bono attorneys who co-counseled cases
community members and frontline professionals trained

San Francisco Bay Area
In 2024, Tahirih San Francisco Bay Area:
- Completed the second cohort of our guaranteed income program, Project Empower, in partnership with My New Red Shoes, which provided survivors of domestic violence and their children with financial assistance through $1,000 monthly stipends and holistic case management.
- Conducted four legal immigration relief screening clinics in a new collaboration with the City of San José, providing services to 29 immigrants and asylum seekers.
- Expanded programs in Contra Costa County with support of the County’s Employment and Human Services Department to offer enhanced service seeker intake system, interdisciplinary case management, more pro bono training, and improved legal clinics.
- Distributed over 50 Caltrain unlimited transportation passes to clients and their families through our partnership with Caltrain Pass Forward Program.
- Collaborated with task force members to improve the identification of and provision of services to immigrant survivors of trafficking.
- Presented at the Domestic Violence Conference hosted by The County of Santa Clara Office of Gender Based Violence and Prevention on Building Bridges to Safety through Collaboration: Interdisciplinary Services for Immigrant Survivors of Gender-Based Violence.
- Organized eight legal clinics in partnership with regional firms and corporations to expand our capacity to assist survivors with legal guidance, information, and preparation of legal filings.
Individuals Impacted in the San Francisco Bay Area Through Free Legal Services

317 individuals
148 family members

Tahirih San Francisco Bay Area staff organized a training and legal clinic with our pro bono partners at CISCO.

Tahirih Client Services and Operations Coordinator Erika Alvarez was recognized and received a proclamation for her work at Tahirih from the San José City Council on International Human Rights Day.
San Francisco Bay Area by the Numbers
clients and their family members connected to vital social services
pro bono attorneys who co-counseled cases
community members and frontline professionals trained