Local Offices
Our award-winning model of service assisted clients in four high-need locations across the U.S.

In 2022, Tahirih Atlanta:
- Formed a partnership with United Way of Greater Atlanta, through which Eileen Espinal, Social Services Program Manager, appeared as an expert on a community panel, and we received $6,000 to provide housing assistance to trafficking survivors.
- Facilitated several community outreach initiatives including a presentation to the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence’s membership, education outreach to a local community in collaboration with Vecinos de Buford Highway, and participation in Fulton County’s International Resource Fair.
- Presented at the annual Georgia Commission on Family Violence conference on how to identify and support survivors and those at risk of forced marriage in partnership with Tahirih’s Forced Marriage Initiative.
- Amplified client voices in the media, including by sharing one client’s powerful story of survival and healing in a Univision segment on human trafficking.
- Welcomed four new members of our Local Advisory Council, as well as new Development Manager Kisha Marshall and Managing Attorney Collin Mickle.
Individuals Impacted in Atlanta Through Free Legal Services

70 individuals
36 family members
Atlanta by the Numbers
clients and their family members connected to vital social services
pro bono attorneys who co-counseled cases
community members and frontline professionals trained

Greater DC-Baltimore Region
In 2022, Tahirih Greater DC-Baltimore Region:
- Presented to partners throughout the region on gender-based violence and how to provide trauma-informed services, including Partners for Justice Conference, Latino Providers Network, and Annapolis Immigration Justice Network.
- Provided leadership in our community, with Ashley Dilonno serving as a representative on the Maryland Domestic Violence Fatality Review State Implementation Team and Daniella Prieshoff being nominated to serve as a commissioner on the Baltimore City Hispanic Commission.
- Created new partnerships with several county-based legal service providers to expand access to civil and immigration legal services for survivors in Maryland.
- Spoke about Tahirih’s work to future leaders through the VA-10 High School Leadership Program, whose summit had a theme related to policy solutions addressing domestic violence.
- Attended community nonprofit partner fairs at American University and George Mason University and created volunteer opportunities for students at both institutions.
- Hosted quarterly virtual pro bono gatherings to engage our local network of pro bono attorneys and share lessons learned.
- Welcomed Dane Foster as Immigration Staff Attorney, Lenox Alves and Florencia Khomasi as Social Services Advocates, and Shea Lamanna as Development Manager.
Individuals Impacted in the Greater DC-Baltimore Region Through Free Legal Services

527 individuals
355 family members
Greater DC-Baltimore Region by the Numbers
clients and their family members connected to vital social services
pro bono attorneys who co-counseled cases
community members and frontline professionals trained

In 2022, Tahirih Houston:
- Received and distributed a $150,000 grant to clients for housing relief.
- Worked with Harris County to create and adopt a model U visa policy that lays out survivor-centered, trauma-informed best practices.
- Advocated successfully in partnership with survivors and community partners for the creation of an Enhanced Library Card photo ID accessible to all immigrants regardless of status. The Harris County Department of Health has agreed to use the enhanced library card as a form of valid identification.
- Welcomed five new staff members: Isabel Martinez as our Social Services Program Manager, Elle Guzman as a Social Services Associate, Katharina Dechert as the Houston Policy & Advocacy Manager, Paulina Ramos as a Legal Advocate, and Mailin Maldonado as an Attorney.
Individuals Impacted in Houston Through Free Legal Services

631 individuals
480 family members
Houston by the Numbers
clients and their family members connected to vital social services
pro bono attorneys who co-counseled cases
community members and frontline professionals trained

San Francisco Bay Area
In 2022, Tahirih San Francisco Bay Area:
- Helped more than 30 clients obtain their green cards through virtual legal clinics offered in partnership with AirBnB and other community organizations.
- Launched (in partnership with My New Red Shoes) Project Empower, an innovative guaranteed-income pilot project that provided $1,000 per month for six months to 10 survivors of domestic violence who were supporting at least one child.
- Partnered with local youth advocate to host Soaring in Concert, a classical music performance that raised more than $30,000 and engaged more than 180 individuals.
- Obtained partial Department of Justice accreditation for our Client Services & Operations Coordinator, Erika Alvarez, allowing her to represent clients before U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services as a licensed attorney would represent a client and expanding our capacity to provide linguistically and culturally appropriate services to the Latiné community in the Bay Area.
Individuals Impacted in the San Francisco Bay Area Through Free Legal Services

222 individuals
68 family members
San Francisco Bay Area by the Numbers
clients and their family members connected to vital social services
pro bono attorneys who co-counseled cases
community members and frontline professionals trained