Event tagged
Know Your Rights: Spanish-Language Presentation, Annandale
January 8th, 2016ICE immigration raids: Know your rights!
Know Your Rights: Spanish-Language Presentation, Woodbridge
January 8th, 2016ICE immigration raids: Know your rights!
Know Your Rights: Spanish-English Presentation, Washington DC
January 8th, 2016ICE immigration raids: Know your rights!
Helping Those Released From Family Detention (Part 3): Advanced Asylum Webinar
December 16th, 2015Learn about complex legal issues in asylum law in this special online training.
Helping Those Released From Family Detention (Part 2): Mechanics of Filing Webinar
December 16th, 2015Explore how attorneys and advocates can work together to help asylum seekers prepare their cases.
Helping Those Released From Family Detention (Part 1): Asylum Overview Webinar
December 16th, 2015Expand your knowledge and capacity to help survivors fleeing domestic violence in their home countries.
Greater DC Gala
December 3rd, 2015Join us for an inspiring evening that pays tribute to courageous women and girls!