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Posts tagged featured
  • From the Desk of Eileen Espinal


    October 31st, 2018

    Meet Eileen, Tahirih Atlanta Client Advocate.

  • Don’t Slam the Door on Survivors of Violence


    October 26th, 2018

    Reports indicate that the administration may institute a new executive order to shut the door on asylum seekers at the southern border. Join us in saying NO to doors and YES to bridges!

  • Thank you, Pro Bonos!


    October 22nd, 2018

    Check out some of the incredible professionals who selflessly stand alongside Tahirih staff and make all our work possible.

  • We are All the Women of Hutto


    September 26th, 2018

    Lynn Pearson, Staff Attorney at Tahirih Atlanta, shares her reflections from her visit to a detention center in Texas.

  • Two Wings of a Bird


    September 25th, 2018

    Tahirih CEO and Founder Layli Miller-Muro emphasizes that ending violence against women and girls is something we will all benefit from.

  • Eva LaRue Emcees Tahirih’s Inaugural Gala in Orange County


    September 25th, 2018

    Eva LaRue welcomed supporters, advocates, donors, volunteers, and staff as the first-ever Master of Ceremonies at our Inaugural Orange County Gala.

  • A Woman’s Strength


    September 24th, 2018

    Hero. Pillar of strength. Incarnation of the word perseverance. These are but a few ways to describe client ambassador, Aicha Abdoulaye Mahamane.