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News tagged Baltimore
  • New Report: U.S. Government Plays Critical Role in the Elimination of Child Marriage

    January 26th, 2023

    In Time to Lead: The Federal Government’s Role in Ending Child Marriage in the United States, Tahirih highlights the critical role of the federal government in our fight to end child marriage here at home.

  • New Report Compares Impact of Compromise Legislation To End Child Marriage in the U.S.

    January 26th, 2023

    In Comparing Compromises: Varying Impacts of Laws that Limit, But Do Not End Child Marriage, Tahirih analyzes data from states that have recently passed a reform to limit child marriage.

  • New Reports: New Data on Child Marriage Shows the Time to Act is Now

    January 26th, 2023

    The Tahirih Justice Center has released two new reports that underscore the urgent need to take action against child marriage in the United States. These reports reveal alarming new data and call for long overdue legislative action at the state and federal levels to protect all children from the harms of child marriage.

  • New Guide to Survivor-Centered Legal Writing

    October 31st, 2022

    Richard Caldarone, Tahirih’s Senior Litigation Counsel, used his expertise in both immigration law and survivor-centered service provision to create a new tool, “Survivor-Centered Legal Writing: A Brief Guide.” This unique […]

  • New Report: Survivors Seeking Asylum are Exposed to More Violence at the Border

    October 11th, 2022

    Everyone deserves to live a life free from violence. That’s why at Tahirih, we believe that people seeking safety in the U.S. should be met with an asylum system that understands the trauma they have endured, instead of exposing them to more harm.

    Unfortunately, that is not the case for survivors of gender-based violence who arrive at the southern border seeking protection here in the United States.

    A new report by the Tahirih Justice Center and Oxfam America reveals how common it is for people seeking asylum to experience gender-based violence in Mexico while waiting to access the asylum process in the U.S.

  • More than a million could die waiting for green cards as U.S. immigration buckles amid COVID

    August 4th, 2022

    Los Angeles Times immigration reporter, Andrea Castillo, spoke with Daniella Prieshoff, supervising attorney at the Tahirih Justice Center, about how visa backlogs are impacting her clients that have been waiting for an answer for several years. 

  • 2022 Policy Platform

    April 1st, 2022

    Tahirih’s policy work is rooted in our core values and in our specific theory of change. Inspired by the Bahá’í faith and grounded in our belief in the oneness of humanity, we reach for a society that embraces our diversity and guarantees everyone’s human rights. Our mission is to advance policies and laws that enable immigrant survivors of gender-based violence to pursue legal immigration status, live in safety, and forge their own paths. Everything we do is in service of that goal.

    The immigration system is shattered. Survivors are denied access to safety because of policies and practices that could be fixed. The Tahirih Justice Center is prioritizing the following policy goals to immediately improve protections for immigrant survivors while simultaneously seeking long-term, systemic change.