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Posts tagged National
  • Federal court halts decision to block Trump policy forcing migrants wait in Mexico


    March 10th, 2020

    The Houston Chronicle reported on the current halt on the legal decision to block the administration’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy. Richard Caldarone, Tahirih Litigation Counsel, is quoted in response to […]

  • Federal court temporarily halts Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy — then reverses itself


    March 10th, 2020

    USA Today reported on the court’s decision to halt the ban against the administration’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy. In 2019, Tahirih and other immigrant advocates filed a lawsuit challenging the […]

  • Federal appeals court blocks, then stays, Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ program


    March 9th, 2020

    Roll Call reported on the federal court’s decision to halt the ban on the administration’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ program, a policy that continues to send asylum seekers into danger. Tahirih‘s […]

  • End Child Marriage in Minnesota


    March 9th, 2020

    The StarTribune reported on Minnesota’s push to pass child marriage reforms, citing the Tahirih Justice Center’s research on the effects of child marriage in the article. The consequences of underage […]

  • 8 Ways to Support Women!


    March 6th, 2020

    Read 8 ways YOU can support equality!

  • Beth Ann Hellert


    March 5th, 2020

    Beth Ann Hellert joined Tahirih in 2009. As the Senior Grants Finance Manager, she manages Tahirih’s financial grant reporting and related projects. Prior to joining Tahirih, Beth Ann was the […]

  • Christine Hakizimana


    March 1st, 2020

    Christine joined Tahirih in 2017 as the Director of Organizational Development. As Director, Christine is responsible for human resources functions and executing recruitment and retention programs that make Tahirih the first […]