meet a pro bono partner
Amber Nestico

- Q: Why did you join Tahirih's Pro Bono Network?
- A: As a stay-at-home mom, I was looking to get back into the practice of law in a meaningful way. Tahirih offered the chance to truly make a difference in the lives of women and children. Moreover, having never practiced immigration law before, Tahirih provided great training and mentorship opportunities.
- Q: Share a highlight from a pro bono case with Tahirih.
- A: I will never forget my first client, a young woman from Pakistan who was abused by her husband and was essentially a slave to his family. I was always amazed at her strength and perseverance, especially when she was required to recount over and over again all that had happened to her. When her VAWA petition was approved, I remember calling her and hearing in her voice how elated she was at the promise of a new future; she just kept saying "thank you" and "may God bless you" over and over again. Her father even sent his thanks from Pakistan! It was hard not to be humbled by how much the freedom from her husband and the ability to legally stay in this country meant to her.
- Q: How has your pro bono service impacted you?
- A: The impact of my pro bono work with Tahirih extends beyond the satisfaction of helping a client and winning a case. Working with these amazing women instills a sense of gratitude and recognition of all the opportunities available solely because I had the good fortune of being born in this country. Also, it is an amazing experience to see the impact of your work first hand and how it directly helps women leave their violent situation and regain independence. Additionally, as a result of great training and mentorship, I continue to learn and practice a new area of law with confidence.
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Meghan Leibold Lidster
Staff AttorneyRichards Kibbee & OrbeIt has been humbling to work with a client who, despite extreme hardship in her past, has been able to increasingly open up to me. -
Lindsay Wright Brett
Associate AttorneyBaker & McKenzie LLPThe women and children I've worked with over the years inspire me to take on new cases. -
Alicia Balthazar, Deborah Wei, Maria A. Arboleda, & Marta Thompson
Hogan Lovells US LLPRealizing the impact of the case’s outcome not just for our client but for her son, shows how these cases can be completely life changing for a family’s future.