meet a pro bono partner
Rwanda N. Campbell
Staff Attorney
Arnold & Porter LLP

- Q: Why did you join Tahirih’s Pro Bono Network?
- A: Tahirih’s mission of protecting, supporting, and empowering immigrant women and children meshed squarely with my strong beliefs and my desire to give back to the immigrant community. Arnold & Porter has a very strong pro bono culture, and the firm’s long standing relationship with Tahirih provided me with the perfect opportunity to fulfill my desire to be of greater service to the community in a manner that was meaningful to me.
- Q: Can you share a highlight from a memorable case?
- A: Every time an application is finalized or an approval notice is received from USCIS, it brings a feeling of accomplishment as the client gets one step closer to her ultimate goal. When a client receives her visa, green card, work permit, etc., it is always an honor to share in that moment of unspeakable joy.
- Q: How has your pro bono service impacted you?
- A: I will forever be changed by the experiences of the smart, courageous, and spirited clients with whom I have worked. People may view these women as victims, but I believe they are so much more than this. In the face of adversity, these women have done all in their power to move beyond an often painful past to ensure a brighter future for themselves and their children. Their perseverance and strength inspires me to do more and to try a little harder when helping others. I carry this with me daily.
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Lindsay Wright Brett
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Alicia Balthazar, Deborah Wei, Maria A. Arboleda, & Marta Thompson
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