meet a pro bono partner
William J. Benitez
Kirkland & Ellis LLP

- Q: Why did you join Tahirih’s Pro Bono Network?
- A: When Kirkland & Ellis opened our office in Houston in 2014, I was seeking to continue my work with immigrant victims of domestic violence, which was a focal point of my pro bono efforts when I practiced in Chicago. Since the early days of our relationship, Tahirih has been a terrific fit, not only for me, but for the many other Houston-based Kirkland attorneys who have worked on Tahirih matters. We are honored to have had the opportunity to work with so many of Tahirih's well-deserving clients.
- Q: Share a highlight from a pro bono case with Tahirih.
- A: The most memorable case was my first with Tahirih. My client was a mother of three who was repeatedly humiliated and beaten at the hands of her abusive husband. She had the courage to stand up for what was right when there was tremendous risk in her doing so. Being a part of her and her sons' recovery, by guiding her through the process of applying for work authorization and being put on a path to citizenship, was incredibly gratifying. It was undoubtedly a positive inflection point in her life and each of her children's lives.
- Q: How has your pro bono service impacted you?
- A: After witnessing the incredible impact of our initial work with Tahirih and its clients, I have been inspired to do more. Thankfully, since the time of our initial matters, our office has grown exponentially and our ability to assist Tahirih and its clients has increased substantially. I'm very proud of our work with Tahirih. It’s always a pleasure to introduce new Kirkland lawyers into the Tahirih family.
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Meghan Leibold Lidster
Staff AttorneyRichards Kibbee & OrbeIt has been humbling to work with a client who, despite extreme hardship in her past, has been able to increasingly open up to me. -
Lindsay Wright Brett
Associate AttorneyBaker & McKenzie LLPThe women and children I've worked with over the years inspire me to take on new cases. -
Alicia Balthazar, Deborah Wei, Maria A. Arboleda, & Marta Thompson
Hogan Lovells US LLPRealizing the impact of the case’s outcome not just for our client but for her son, shows how these cases can be completely life changing for a family’s future.