Action Alerts
Please tell your elected and government officials that you care about the safety of immigrant women and girls.
Find out how you can help through our action alerts.
Please tell your elected and government officials that you care about the safety of immigrant women and girls.
Find out how you can help through our action alerts.
Help us urge the Virginia Governor to veto VA SB 1156, a bill that threatens the safety of victims of violence.
Make your voice heard about the new rule limiting asylum eligibility to only those who apply at an official US Port of Entry (POE). On November 9, 2018, the Administration […]
Tell the U.S. Government the new “public charge” rule unfairly punishes survivors who are simply trying to get back on their feet while they work toward self-sufficiency.
Help Tahirih’s client – a mom who has still not been reunified with her daughter – access justice!
Tell our government that indefinite incarceration of children is inhumane. Submit your public comment today.
We must tell Attorney General Jeff Sessions that survivors of severe domestic violence deserve a chance at safety on our shores. Sign our petition today.
In less than 5 minutes, you can help end child marriage in Florida! Call your House representative and ask them to support a clean ban on all child marriages under the age of 18.
In less than 5 minutes, you can help end child marriage in Massachusetts! Call your representative in the Judiciary Committee and urge them to favorable report H2310/S785.
Maryland residents, please call or email your Senator TODAY to tell them to support legislation to make age 18 the minimum age of marriage, no exceptions!
Tragically, 20 years after Fauziya Kassindja’s seminal victory, women seeking asylum are still being treated like criminals.