Tahirih Statement on End of Nationwide Moratorium on Evictions
The Tahirih Justice Center is disappointed in today’s decision by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to end the nationwide moratorium on evictions, in addition to the […]
A Message From Our New CEO, Archi Pyati.
I’m writing to you today as Tahirih’s new Chief Executive Officer. I’m humbled by the opportunity to serve such dedicated, passionate, and talented colleagues, and excited to lead this incredible organization into its next chapter.
100 Days of a New Administration
When the new administration took office, we proposed 10 steps they could take immediately to help immigrant survivors of violence. Now, after 100 days, we’re checking in to see what they’ve done to ensure justice for immigrant […]
From our Board of Directors: Gratitude in a Time of Transition
We are moved to send a note of sincere thanks and to provide some perspective of challenges overcome and those we now face.
Tahirih Opposes Dangerously Amended NC Senate Bill on Child Marriage
The Tahirih Justice Center opposes amendments to Senate Bill 35 (S35), a bill that was originally intended to increase North Carolina’s age floor to marry and protect girls and young women from the harms of child marriage.
Central American women fleeing domestic violence deserve refugee status
Bill Frelick, director of Human Rights Watch’s Refugee Rights Program, explains why we must include “gender” as a ground for asylum protections. Read the full opinion piece here on The […]
Gender-related violence should be grounds for asylum. Congress must fix this for women.
In this opinion piece, Stephen Legomsky, professor emeritus at the Washington University School of Law, writes about the pressing need to include “gender” as a ground for asylum protections. Read […]
U.S. asylum law must protect women
Our country’s asylum law urgently needs to be changed to clearly protect women who would otherwise meet the stringent requirements for asylum.
Stop Calling it a ‘Border Crisis’
Rachel Pak, Tahirih Media Relations Associate, in an op-ed argues that calling what is happening at the southern border a ‘crisis’ is harmful rhetoric that dehumanizes immigrants and distracts from […]
Tahirih Statement on the Administration’s Asylum Overhaul
The administration is considering an overhaul of the asylum system at the U.S. southern border, which includes moving some asylum cases from the purview of the immigration courts within the […]