Child marriage: Why does it persist in the US?
The Stream, a daily TV show on Al Jazeera, discussed the issue of child marriage in the United States and why it persists. Femi Oke interviews Donna Pollard, founder of […]
New Proposed Rules to Limit Due Process for Immigrant Survivors
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | NOVEMBER 25, 2020 CONTACT: Rachel Pak [email protected]; 571-550-9162 Today, the outgoing administration proposed two rules that would speed up the deportation machine that immigration courts have […]
Eviction Protection in Texas
Immigrant survivors of violence have been especially vulnerable during the pandemic. The Tahirih Justice Center works with immigrant victims of gender-based violence such as domestic violence, human trafficking, and rape—and […]
Harris County OKs $2.5M to help poor immigrants fight deportations
In Houston, Harris County commissioners approved funding for a legal defense fund to support vulnerable immigrants and survivors of violence facing deportation. Guadalupe Fernandez, Tahirih Houston’s Policy and Advocacy Manager, is […]
Tahirih Statement on Incoming Biden-Harris Administration
Over the past four years, policy after policy, fueled by racism and xenophobia, have chipped away at legal protections for immigrant survivors— building an invisible wall that has denied access […]
Ten Steps the Administration Must Take Now for Immigrant Survivors of Gender-Based Violence
The new administration has the power to immediately change many policies that will help immigrant survivors and start rebuilding our broken system.
Introduction of The Status of Child Marriages in the United States Act
Congresswoman Gwen Moore and Congressman Van Taylor introduced the Status of Child Marriage in the United States Act— legislation to study this pressing issue in the U.S. In a statement […]
Tahirih Statement on Supreme Court’s Decision to Review ‘Remain in Mexico’
Today, the Supreme Court agreed to hear challenges against the administration’s policy ‘Remain in Mexico’, which has forced more than 60,000 asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their […]
The ‘Triple Tsunami’ of COVID-19, Economic Collapse, and Domestic Violence
In this article, the Women’s Media Center looks at the connection between economic insecurity and domestic violence—which has been exacerbated during the pandemic. The Women’s Media Center spoke to Aicha, […]
How Houston-Area Families Are Being Forced From Their Homes Without An Eviction Notice
In Houston, communities continue to face eviction, despite a federal moratorium halting the practice. Houston Public Media spoke to Guadalupe Fernández, Tahirih Houston Policy and Advocacy Manager, on barriers that […]