If Americans believe in freedom from lockdown, they should start here
This opinion piece from CNN covers the story of Tahirih Atlanta client Danilo, an asylum seeker who was detained by ICE for over a year and separated from his husband […]
La nueva regla de asilo propuesta por el gobierno acelerará juicios y reducirá el poder de los jueces
Univision cita a Archi Pyati (Jefe de Política y Comunicaciones) y a Richard Caldarone (Abogado), ambxs de Tahirih, sobre las regulaciones propuestas que dejarían de funcionar en el sistema de asilo de EE. UU. si se implementaran.
Trump Administration Proposes Rules To Sharply Restrict Asylum Claims
In this article, NPR quotes the Tahirih Justice Center on the newest asylum regulations proposed by the administration. If implemented, the regulations would effectively shut down the asylum system.
Tahirih Condemns New Proposed Regulations That Aim to End Asylum
Today, the administration proposed regulations that aim to overturn U.S. asylum law, making it effectively impossible for people fleeing persecution to obtain protection in the United States. Read Tahirih’s full statement here.
Letter of Solidarity from the Immigrant Justice Movement
The Tahirih Justice Center joined more than 400 immigrant justice organizations and ally groups to express our solidarity with Black communities. Read the full text of the letter below: […]
Letter from Layli: Racism is a Deadly Pandemic
It’s time for us to rise up, support, advocate, witness, change, and heal.
From the Desk of Rachel Pak
Meet Tahirih’s Media Relations Associate, Rachel Pak.
Tahirih Condemns Ongoing Attempts to Separate Families During COVID-19 Pandemic
As the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in detention centers climbs, Tahirih condemns the administration’s ongoing attempts to separate families.
What will Trump’s immigration ban mean for the Bay Area?
The San Francisco Chronicle reports on the impact of the administration’s executive order to suspend some immigration on immigrant survivors. The article quotes Morgan Weibel, Executive Director of Tahirih SF […]
Trump acelera las expulsiones de inmigrantes sin papeles en plena pandemia
A Spanish news outlet, El País, highlights the administration’s restrictive border policies that continue, even during the pandemic. The article quotes Shana Tabak, Tahirih Atlanta Executive Director, about her visit […]