States across the country take action to save child brides
Senior Counsel for Public Policy and Strategy Jeanne Smoot spoke to NBC News about the nationwide push for states to raise the minimum age of marriage to 18.
From the Desk of Rahi Patel
Meet Rahi Patel, Tahirih’s Development Strategy and Operations Associate.
Immigrant Domestic Violence Survivors Are Afraid to Go to Law Enforcement Under Trump
The Pacific Standard cited an advocate survey conducted by a coalition of national civil rights organizations, and quoted Chief of Policy Archi Pyati.
Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence and Rape Too Scared to Call Police over Fears of Being Deported or Separated from Children
Newsweek reported on a recent advocate survey conducted by the Tahirih Justice Center and other national organizations.
Survey of Advocates Reveals Immigrant Survivors Fear Reporting Violence
Tahirih and a coalition of national organizations issued this statement after releasing the eye-opening results of a survey of advocates working with immigrant survivors of violence.
From the Desk of Deepa Bijpuria
Meet Deepa Bijpuria, Tahirih Baltimore’s Supervising Attorney.
Anne Chandler Is Seeking Justice for Houston’s Most Vulnerable Immigrants
Houstonia profiled Houston Executive Director Anne Chandler’s career of helping immigrant women and girls seek asylum in the United States. Chandler also commented on recent immigration policies: “To see our […]
Even In the Darkest Hours, There is Light
Courageous Voice Honoree, Claudia Sacramento Malpica, took the audience on a journey at Tahirih’s 22nd Annual Gala.
A Journey to Tear Down and Build Anew
Tahirih CEO and Founder, Layli Miller-Muro, welcomed guests and invited them to consider the part they play in Tahirih’s great resilience.
This is a Long Journey and It Will Take All of Us
Greater DC Executive Director, Barfonce Baldwin, thanks Greater DC.