‘A Moral Disaster’: AP Reveals Scope of Migrant Kids Program
Tahirih Atlanta Executive Director, Shana Tabak, discusses the inconsistencies in the approach to caring for migrant children.
Here’s What Immigrant Rights Groups Are Saying After a Federal Judge Ruled That the Trump Administration’s Ban on Domestic Violence Victims Violated Immigration Law
Tahirih Chief of Policy, Archi Pyati, discusses a federal judge’s ruling that the decision in Matter of A-B- violates long-established immigration laws.
This 11-Year-Old U.S. Citizen Has Been Separated From Her Asylum-Seeking Mom for 222 Days
Penn Badgley and Tahirih Atlanta Executive Director, Shana Tabak, were interviewed by Upworthy about their visit to Irwin Detention Center to visit Tahirih client, Vilma.
Still Separated: Tahirih Client’s Story Shared on HLN
Tahirih Atlanta Executive Director, Shana Tabak, shared our client Vilma’s story on HLN.
Detained Migrant Could Lose Daughter, Who’s a U.S. Citizen
NBC News interviewed Tahirih client, Vilma Carrillo Carrillo, and Tahirih Atlanta Executive Director, Shana Tabak, on Carrillo Carrillo’s case.
From the Desk of Ashley DiIonno
Meet Ashley, Tahirih Baltimore Social Services Program Manager
Your Questions About the Tear Gas and Tensions at the Border, Answered
Tahirih Chief of Policy, Archi Pyati, spoke with CNN about the use of tear gas on migrants at the border.
Domestic Abuse Victims in the Migrant Caravan Are Stranded at the U.S. Border
Tahirih Legal Advocate Guadalupe Fernandez discusses the impact of new policies and practices on immigrant survivors.
One Immigrant Mother is Fighting to be Reunified with Her Daughter- Who’s a U.S Citizen
Tahirih Atlanta Executive Director, Shana Tabak, speaks with Pacific Standard about the case of Tahirih client Vilma Carrillo Carrillo.
31 Days of Giving
Jump into the final month of the year with 31 ways to make a difference!