City of Houston Welcomes New Tahirih Office at Inaugural Reception
Tahirih Justice Center celebrated the opening of its Houston office with an inaugural reception attended by more than 130 members of the Houston corporate, nonprofit, academic, and religious communities.
Department of Justice Reveals Failure to Enforce 2006 Law to Protect Foreign Brides from Abuse
As long as IMBRA implementation and enforcement is lagging, vulnerable foreign women who meet American men through IMBs will remain dangerously unaware of lifesaving information about a future partner’s violent criminal history and about their legal rights.
Tahirih Hosts Congressional Briefing on Hurdles Women and Girls Face in U.S. Asylum System
A Tahirih-sponsored congressional briefing offered policymakers and the public a vital opportunity to learn about the harmful impact of unsettled policy and current immigration laws on women and girls fleeing gender-based violence.
Precarious Protection: New Tahirih Report Spotlights Dangerous Impact of Unsettled Asylum Laws and Policy on Women
The lack of clarity and coherence in gender-based asylum law is a roadblock to women seeking protection from violence and persecution.
Clearer Rules Urged for Asylum Seekers Fleeing Gender-Related Persecution
Women seeking political asylum in the United States based on gender-related persecution can get mired in a legal labyrinth that can leave their cases unresolved for years.
U Visa Approvals Finally Underway for Tahirih Clients
Twelve Tahirih clients are among the first in the nation to receive U visas, a vital legal protection for immigrant women and girls who face numerous obstacles in fleeing violence.
Tahirih Tackles Barriers to Immigrant Survivors’ Access to Justice Under Violence Against Women Act
Discussions are underway about how to strengthen the Violence Against Women Act to better protect survivors of violence, and Tahirih is a vital voice.
A Note from Layli: Tahirih Leverages $6.5 Million in Donated Legal Services
As we face tough economic times, we are particularly grateful for any amount you are able to give to support our work. Please know that your investment in us will be used wisely.
Women Fleeing Violence Caught in Crossfire of Increased Immigration Enforcement
Tahirih’s clients have historically been faced with threats of arrest and deportation from their abusers, but lately these women, who have a right to legal status, are caught in the crossfire of increased activities by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Tahirih Fights for Virginia Legislation to Ensure Police Protection for Immigrant Victims
Critical legislation would help counteract the severe “chilling effect” that exists due to immigrant victims’ fear and confusion about what treatment they can expect from police—deterring crime-reporting and help-seeking, hindering law enforcement investigations and prosecutions, and undermining public safety for us all.