Tour to End Forced Marriage to Culminate in DC
February 6th, 2015Honoring Our Heartbeats: A Tour to End Forced Marriage in the U.S. will bring three events to Washington, DC on March 17-19, including a powerful multimedia performance, a forced marriage training workshop, and an issue briefing.
Victims Face Long Wait Times as Court Backlog Increases
January 27th, 2015Central American immigrants’ right to due process is being threatened as their cases are placed at the front of the docket, giving them insufficient time to secure an attorney and prepare a case.
Tahirih Calls on Congress to End Inhumane Detention of Traumatized Mothers and Children
January 23rd, 2015Angela’s* son turned 3 inside the confines of a crowded detention center. He was stuck there, along with hundreds of other mothers and children fleeing violence in Central America.
10 Tahirih Justice Center Victories of 2014
January 21st, 2015As we begin a new year, we would like to take a moment to celebrate some of our top achievements in 2014. Your support throughout the year made these accomplishments possible – thank you! We anticipate many more opportunities to make an impact in the lives of immigrant women and girls in 2015.
Congressional Briefing Will Raise Awareness of Inhumane Detention of Traumatized Women and Children
January 20th, 2015Advocates for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault are deeply concerned about the harmful impact of family detention centers on already traumatized immigrant women and children fleeing violence.
Report Finds Law to Protect Foreign Brides Has Not Been Fully Implemented
December 18th, 2014Almost a decade has elapsed since Congress passed the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act, but U.S. agencies have yet to fully implement and enforce the federal law to safeguard so-called “mail-order” brides from abuse and exploitation, according to a report issued last week.
NOW AVAILABLE: Winter 2015 Newsletter
December 18th, 2014Thank you for making 2014 a huge success! Learn more about what we’ve been up to this winter.