Help a sick child or forgo citizenship? Immigrants anguish over new Trump rule
August 15th, 2019NBC News reported on immigrants’ reactions to the new rule denying permanent legal residence or citizenship to immigrants who are deemed “public charges,” and quoted Tahirih Senior Immigration Policy Counsel, Irena Sullivan.
More poor immigrants will be deemed likely ‘public charges’ and denied green cards under new rule
August 12th, 2019Tahirih Senior Immigration Policy Counsel, Irena Sullivan, commented on the new rule denying permanent legal residence (i.e. a green card) to immigrants who are deemed a “public charge” for the ABA Journal.
From the Desk of Liz Shields
July 29th, 2019Meet Tahirih Houston’s Deputy Director, Liz Shields.
Lawyers Are Furious That Immigration Courts Are Getting Rid of Interpreters
July 25th, 2019VICE quoted Tahirih Bay Area Executive Director, Morgan Weibel, in an article about the administration’s new steps to eliminate in-person interpreters from immigration courts.
Some undocumented immigrants are now subject to ‘expedited removal.’ Here’s what to know.
July 23rd, 2019TIME quoted Tahirih Director of Legal and Social Services, Kursten Phelps, in an article explaining the administration’s new “expedited removal” policy.
Trump moves to kick out more immigrants without hearings
July 22nd, 2019In an article about the administration’s plan to expand the population of undocumented immigrants eligible for expedited removal without a hearing, The Daily Beast quoted Tahirih’s Director of Legal and Social Services, Kursten Phelps.
Shutting the door on asylum seekers
July 17th, 2019In a letter to the editor, Tahirih Chief of Policy Archi Pyati criticized new policies that effectively shut the door on immigrant families and unaccompanied children seeking asylum in the United States.