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Your generosity is out of this world.

Because you truly opened your hearts to brave women and girls this holiday season, we are excited to announce that we’ve surpassed our organization-wide goal and raised $207,725.20, making this the most successful Bighearted Campaign yet!

During this critical time for vulnerable communities, you’ve gone above and beyond to protect those fighting for justice. Your support saves lives.

Special Thanks

We’d especially like to recognize Arnold & Porter, whose incredible efforts raised the highest team total of $34,315.99, and Morgan Shin, who raised the most as an individual fundraiser at $2,240.44.

We Couldn’t Have Done It Without You

We would also like to thank all of our wonderful Bighearted supporters for the remarkable compassion you continue to show for the courageous women and girls who are breaking the cycle of violence in all of our communities.