Enter by midnight on Oct. 9 for your chance to WIN Andy Grammer on your voicemail!

Help us make week 1 of this three-week Campaign the best ever with an early bird raffle prize!
Here’s how it works: Every bighearted attorney like you who donates by Friday, Oct. 9 at midnight will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win the amazing Andy Grammer singing your own personal voicemail message! You will also be entered into the next two raffle drawings held at the end of weeks 2 and 3 of the Campaign.
That means with one single donation, you’ll get three chances to win! (Makes your heart beat faster just thinking about it, huh?)
Don’t delay, make your gift today at www.tahirih.org/bighearted!
Here’s Andy to tell you all about his prize!
Featured photo: Tahirih Family Law Attorney Anusce Sanai shows you her big heart. Photo by Alexandra Einspahr