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Search Results for: “trafficking”
  • 10 Tahirih Justice Center Victories of 2014


    January 21st, 2015

    As we begin a new year, we would like to take a moment to celebrate some of our top achievements in 2014. Your support throughout the year made these accomplishments possible – thank you! We anticipate many more opportunities to make an impact in the lives of immigrant women and girls in 2015.

  • Congressional Briefing Will Raise Awareness of Inhumane Detention of Traumatized Women and Children


    January 20th, 2015

    Advocates for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault are deeply concerned about the harmful impact of family detention centers on already traumatized immigrant women and children fleeing violence.

  • Report Finds Law to Protect Foreign Brides Has Not Been Fully Implemented


    December 18th, 2014

    Almost a decade has elapsed since Congress passed the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act, but U.S. agencies have yet to fully implement and enforce the federal law to safeguard so-called “mail-order” brides from abuse and exploitation, according to a report issued last week.

  • Tahirih Welcomes Executive Action, Calls for Additional Protective Measures


    November 25th, 2014

    The Administration’s executive action on immigration will bring some relief to the families and communities, and that it will help many women and children to protect their safety and dignity. But more additional measures need to be taken to bring about a more efficient and human immigration system.

  • Please Stand by a Courageous Woman or Girl in 2015


    November 25th, 2014

    Born out of wedlock and orphaned by her mother in Mexico City, Gloria grew up without knowing what it felt like to be loved. At age 14, she was homeless and was forced to drop out of school to support herself. She was vulnerable to predators like her boyfriend. He betrayed her and sold her to one of the most violent gangs in the world, Los Zetas. Women and girls like Gloria need you now. Can you answer a plea for help this holiday season?

    Donate Online Now

  • Third Annual Houston Gala Celebrates Heroism of Tahirih Clients


    September 25th, 2014

    Run. Walk. Hold someone’s hand. Do whatever you have to do to find the light at the end of the tunnel. These were the inspirational words that a young survivor of abuse shared with more than 300 guests who filled the Houstonian Hotel for Tahirih Houston’s 3rd Annual Gala.

  • How We Quintupled Our Impact in 2013


    September 23rd, 2014

    Our growing Pro Bono Network of attorneys, doctors, and other professionals donated nearly $13 million in services in 2013, setting a historic record of generosity at Tahirih and turning every $1 donated into $5 of lifesaving impact.