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Search Results for: “asylum”
  • Tahirih Explains: “Asylum Ban” Rule – It is Both a Transit Ban and an Entry Ban


    February 24th, 2023

    BACKGROUND  On February 23, the Department of Homeland Security formally issued a proposed rule that would make most people seeking safety at the southern U.S. land border ineligible for asylum. […]

  • Biden’s Asylum Ban Will Continue to Place Survivors in Harm’s Way


    February 21st, 2023

    Today, the Department of Homeland Security issued a proposed rule that would drastically limit eligibility for asylum for many people seeking safety at our Southern border. Under these new regulations, a person seeking asylum at a U.S. port of entry on the Southern border who does not have an appointment or traveled through another country without applying for protection there first will be considered ineligible for asylum here – with few exceptions. This asylum ban cuts off a critical path to safety for survivors and sends them back to dangerous conditions where they often face further violence and trauma. 

  • Biden Breaks Promise to Restore Fair Asylum in U.S. By Expanding Title 42 Once Again


    January 6th, 2023

    In response to President Biden’s remarks on news asylum restrictions announced on Thursday, January 5, 2023, Tahirih’s CEO, Archi Pyati, has issued the following statement: “Expanding immigration policies based on […]

  • A fair asylum process must protect the most vulnerable at our borders


    December 16th, 2022

    The Hill featured an Op-Ed by Irena Sullivan, senior immigration policy counsel at the Tahirih Justice Center, that calls for an asylum process that protects immigrants survivors of gender-based violence.

  • Afghan Asylum Interview Prep Guide – Bars Supplement

    Probono Pubs

    October 14th, 2022

    To better support pro bono attorneys as they work to prepare their Afghan evacuee clients for their affirmative asylum interviews, Tahirih and the Afghan Asylum Project created this guide that […]

  • New Report: Survivors Seeking Asylum are Exposed to More Violence at the Border


    October 11th, 2022

    Everyone deserves to live a life free from violence. That’s why at Tahirih, we believe that people seeking safety in the U.S. should be met with an asylum system that understands the trauma they have endured, instead of exposing them to more harm.

    Unfortunately, that is not the case for survivors of gender-based violence who arrive at the southern border seeking protection here in the United States.

    A new report by the Tahirih Justice Center and Oxfam America reveals how common it is for people seeking asylum to experience gender-based violence in Mexico while waiting to access the asylum process in the U.S.

  • Surviving Deterrence: How U.S. Asylum Deterrence Policies Normalize Gender-Based Violence


    October 11th, 2022

    A new report from Tahirih Justice Center and Oxfam America.