Letter to the Acting Director of Atlanta Field Office
April 24th, 2020This letter was sent to the Acting Director of Atlanta Field Office, Office of Enforcement & Removal Operations, in support of a Tahirih Atlanta client who is currently detained.
Letter to DHS and CDC on COVID-19 and the Expulsions of Asylum Seekers
April 16th, 2020The Tahirih Justice Center signed a letter, joined by over 120 legal, faith-based, humanitarian, human rights and community organizations, to object to the Department of Homeland Security’s closure of the […]
Civil Society Request for In Loco Visit to the U.S. and Mexico to Address Situation of Migrants
July 25th, 2019The Tahirih Justice Center joins 95 other civil society organizations and 120 experts in migration, refugee law, and human rights in sending a letter to the Inter-American Commission. We hope […]
Updated Tahirih Comments on Proposed Revisions to Fee Waiver Request Form
May 8th, 2019Tahirih filed comments on changes to the fee waiver request form, urging USCIS to remove unnecessary burdens and barriers to legal remedies.
Tahirih Comments on Tip Form
April 12th, 2019The Tahirih Justice Center submitted comments in opposition to the proposed new Form G-1530, which will embolden abusers and make it easier for them to carry out their threats.
Letter to Governor of Virginia Regarding SB 1156
March 12th, 2019Tahirih submitted this letter to the Governor of Virginia requesting a veto of Senate Bill 1156.
Organizational Sign-On Letter for Vilma Viviana Carrillo Carrillo
December 3rd, 2018This sign on letter calls for the immediate release of Tahirih client, Vilma Viviana Carrillo Carrillo, who has been detained and separated from her daughter since May.