A Beacon of Hope: Our History
January 1st, 2016Layli Miller-Muro founded Tahirih in 1997 following her involvement as a student attorney in a precedent-setting case that revolutionized asylum law in the United States. Learn more about our pioneering history in the protection of women and girls.
Fact Sheet on Violence Against Women
January 1st, 2016Violence against women and girls is a global epidemic of staggering proportions. Get the facts and learn more about why immigrant women and girls are acutely vulnerable to violence.
Forced Marriage Policy Recommendations
March 14th, 2015Forced marriage victims often fall between the cracks in the United States, with dire consequences. They can suffer severe and lifelong harm, including physical and mental health issues, barriers to education, and domestic and sexual abuse. Current laws and resources are inadequate to address the unique challenges associated with forced marriage. Tahirih Justice Center has issued the following policy recommendations to protect and support those facing or fleeing forced marriages in the United States.
Forced Marriage Fact Sheet
June 24th, 2014What is forced marriage? How is forced marriage different than arranged marriage? We answer the most common questions about this human rights violation in this fact sheet.
Forced Marriage in Immigrant Communities in the United States
September 1st, 2011Forced marriage is a serious problem in the United States today, with as many as 3,000 known and suspected cases identified in just two years by respondents of Tahirih Justice Center survey. The fact that potentially thousands of young women and girls from immigrant communities may face forced marriages each year in the United States is alarming and demands attention.