immigrant survivors on their journeys to safety and justice
The Tahirih Justice Center is a national, nonprofit organization that serves immigrant survivors fleeing gender-based violence. By amplifying the experiences of survivors in communities, courts, and Congress, Tahirih aims to create a world in which all people share equal rights and live in safety and with dignity.

A Note from Archi Pyati,
Tahirih Justice Center CEO
I moved into the CEO role at Tahirih in May 2021, which gave me a new perspective on — and even more gratitude for — the strength of the survivors we serve, the dedication of our staff, and the generosity of Tahirih’s supporters.
We spent 2021 still in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic, and we witnessed heartbreak and difficulties in our local communities and around the world. Supporting immigrant survivors and working to end gender-based violence are not easy tasks under any circumstances, but the past year was a particularly challenging one that required motivation and inspiration. We found innovative ways to support our clients in a largely virtual environment, responded to the urgent needs of Afghan refugees, and amplified survivors’ voices and experiences in court cases and discussions about policies and legislation that harm survivors.
As we look ahead in 2022, when we celebrate our 25th year of standing with survivors, I feel hopeful that we can create a more just and equitable world for all, thanks to everyone who makes our work possible.

I felt the envelopment of a hug from the Tahirih family telling me that I’m not alone and they are with me.
Perla, Tahirih Atlanta client