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Search Results for: “forced marriage”
  • Child Marriage in America: Current Laws Are Failing to Protect Vulnerable Children and Teens


    February 20th, 2015

    The data is clear: Child marriage problem is a problem right here in the U.S.

  • Protect Women at Risk of Abuse in International Marriage Industry

    Action Alerts

    December 15th, 2014

    Tahirih is proud of our instrumental role in making an IMBRA a reality, but much work remains to translate the law into meaningful and effective protections for foreign brides.

  • Focus on Child Marriage, Genital Mutilation at All-Time High


    July 23rd, 2014

    Inter Press Service, a global news agency that focuses on coverage of marginalized communities, brought attention to Tahirih’s call for a coordinated, federal response to the problem of forced marriage in the United States in an article published this week.

  • Support Legislation to Prevent Child Marriage

    Action Alerts

    December 2nd, 2010

    Every day, girls as young as eight or nine are forced to marry men who are often decades older. If we do nothing, an estimated 142 million girls will be married as children by the end of this decade.

  • U.S. National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence Promises Necessary Protections for Survivors


    May 26th, 2023

    The Biden administration has presented the first-ever U.S. National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence: Strategies for Action, a long-awaited, comprehensive, whole-of-government plan that aims to address and prevent gender-based violence (GBV) in this country.  

    The Tahirih Justice Center celebrates this milestone which represents a promise to protect human rights and support safety and justice for survivors of sexual violence, intimate partner violence, stalking, child and forced marriage, and other forms of gender-based violence. This plan is the result of years of work by administration officials and stakeholders like Tahirih who convened listening sessions with the White House Gender Policy Council to share our collective knowledge informed by years of providing direct legal and social services to survivors.  

  • Mariela: Voces de Sobrevivientes


    November 16th, 2021

    Mariela is a survivor of forced marriage and domestic violence. She is currently seeking an appeal on her asylum case.

  • What Survivors of Gender-Based Violence are Facing at the Border


    October 15th, 2019

    Casey Swegman, Tahirih Forced Marriage Project Manager, authored a piece on the challenges survivors of gender-based violence encounter when they seek asylum.