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Posts tagged Child Marriage
  • The Reauthorization of VAWA Was Necessary and Contains Historic Gains But Falls Short for Immigrant Survivors of Violence


    March 11th, 2022

    Last night, the Senate reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), a vote that was six years in the making. The Tahirih Justice Center applauds Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) for their legislative leadership in the fight to get VAWA over the finish line. The new authorization provides more than $500 million to increase resources for survivors of violence.

  • Maryland: Come for the crab cakes, the boardwalk, a child bride


    February 18th, 2022

    The Washington Post’s columnist Petula Dvorak interviewed Tahirih’s Public Policy Director, Casey Swegman Carter, on the importance of passing a legislation that would end child marriage in Maryland. This is the seventh year a bill has been introduced that seeks to ban child marriage in the state.

  • Maryland Should Ban Child Marriage


    February 3rd, 2022

    Tahirih’s Senior Public Policy Associate, Alex Goyette, wrote an opinion piece for the Baltimore Sun. The commentary elevates the importance of passing legislation to end child marriage in Maryland. 

  • Reducing instances of child marriage in Maryland “It’s well past time for Maryland to take action on this issue.”


    January 25th, 2022

    Tahirih’s Director of Public Policy, Casey Swegman, was interviewed by ABC Baltimore about the importance of banning child marriage and fixing state laws that perpetuate the issue. Tahirih hopes that Maryland’s legislative session will move forward with a bill that heads in the right direction to ending child marriage. 

  • Mariela: Voces de Sobrevivientes


    November 16th, 2021

    Mariela is a survivor of forced marriage and domestic violence. She is currently seeking an appeal on her asylum case.

  • Mariela

    Success Stories

    November 16th, 2021

    “Single mothers who share my story deserve a chance to rebuild their lives and provide a safer future for their children.”

  • R. Kelly’s Trial Speaks to Flawed Child Marriage Laws in the U.S.


    October 4th, 2021

    Tahirih’s Force Marriage Initiative team wrote an op-ed published in Teen Vogue that explains how R&B star Aaliyah was able to be married to R. Kelly when she was just 15 years old. 

    Read the full article here.