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News tagged family separation
  • Asylum Seekers Have a Legal Right to Ask for Help

    November 2nd, 2018

    The Tahirih Justice Center is concerned about recent anti-immigrant rhetoric, not based in fact, seemingly being used to justify upcoming policy shifts that would undermine U.S. obligations under international and domestic law.

  • We are All the Women of Hutto

    September 26th, 2018

    Lynn Pearson, Staff Attorney at Tahirih Atlanta, shares her reflections from her visit to a detention center in Texas.

  • Tahirih Atlanta’s Shana Tabak: Atlanta Will Not Be Complicit in Family Separation

    September 14th, 2018

    Tahirih Atlanta Executive Director, Shana Tabak, was an adviser in the decision to end the incarceration of ICE detained immigrants at the Atlanta City Detention Center.

  • City Ends Lucrative Agreement with ICE

    September 6th, 2018

    Tahirih Atlanta Executive Director, Shana Tabak, is featured on CBS46 during the announcement of the termination of the relationship between ICE and the city of Atlanta.

  • Witnessing Cruelty at the Border

    August 23rd, 2018

    Tahirih Bay Area’s Executive Director, Morgan Weibel, recounts her experience at a detention center in Texas, and calls for assistance for relocated families trying to rebuild their lives.

  • Letter from Archi: Tahirih Staff at the Border Give Me Hope

    August 9th, 2018

    Members of the Tahirih staff have witnessed first-hand how recent policies are impacting individuals and families seeking protection. Help us ensure our justice system honors our nation’s proud history, enshrined in U.S. law, of offering protection to women, men, and children fleeing persecution and violence.

  • The Thorny Bureaucracy That Stands Between Detained Children and Their Parents

    August 3rd, 2018

    Tahirih’s Morgan Weibel spoke with the Atlantic about her experience at the border detention facilities, and about the legal challenges facing families during the reunification process.