“The judge didn’t believe me.” The hard path survivors of domestic violence encounter while seeking asylum in the U.S.
October 19th, 2021Univision reporter sheds light on the hard journey of a Tahirih client and explains the importance of ‘gender’ becoming a basis of asylum.
REPORT: “Ensuring Equal and Enduring Access to Asylum”
September 9th, 2021To ensure equal and enduring access to asylum for survivors of gender-based violence, the U.S. must add gender as a protected ground for asylum.
Central American women fleeing domestic violence deserve refugee status
April 8th, 2021Bill Frelick, director of Human Rights Watch’s Refugee Rights Program, explains why we must include “gender” as a ground for asylum protections. Read the full opinion piece here on The […]
Gender-related violence should be grounds for asylum. Congress must fix this for women.
April 8th, 2021In this opinion piece, Stephen Legomsky, professor emeritus at the Washington University School of Law, writes about the pressing need to include “gender” as a ground for asylum protections. Read […]
U.S. asylum law must protect women
April 7th, 2021Our country’s asylum law urgently needs to be changed to clearly protect women who would otherwise meet the stringent requirements for asylum.
Trump’s New Asylum Policy Doesn’t Help Our System
June 19th, 2020Archi Pyati, Tahirih Chief of Policy and Communications, writes a letter to the editor of the Wall Street Journal on the new asylum regulations proposed by the administration.
La nueva regla de asilo propuesta por el gobierno acelerará juicios y reducirá el poder de los jueces
June 11th, 2020Univision cita a Archi Pyati (Jefe de Política y Comunicaciones) y a Richard Caldarone (Abogado), ambxs de Tahirih, sobre las regulaciones propuestas que dejarían de funcionar en el sistema de asilo de EE. UU. si se implementaran.