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News tagged Impact
  • Governor Abbott’s Executive Order is Unlawful

    July 8th, 2022

    Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order that unlawfully seeks to arrest people seeking asylum, and other people without status in the United States, and return them to the border at a port of entry. The order is flatly illegal. It seeks to enforce purported violations of federal immigration law, something the Supreme Court has expressly held states cannot do. The order itself also violates federal immigration law, which makes clear that people have a legal right to seek asylum in the United States even if they enter the country without authorization. And if it is implemented, the order will force survivors of gender-based violence, and other vulnerable people pursuing that right to seek protection, out of their communities and into danger.

  • SCOTUS Rules on Biden v. Texas

    June 30th, 2022

    Today, in a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court agreed that the Biden administration can terminate the ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy. Under this cruel policy, which Tahirih is challenging in a separate lawsuit, the United States has placed tens of thousands of vulnerable people fleeing violence, including many survivors of gender-based violence, into dangerous situations in northern Mexico. ‘Remain in Mexico’ is part of xenophobic policies that have all but eliminated the human right to seek asylum.

  • 2022 Policy Platform

    April 1st, 2022

    Tahirih’s policy work is rooted in our core values and in our specific theory of change. Inspired by the Bahá’í faith and grounded in our belief in the oneness of humanity, we reach for a society that embraces our diversity and guarantees everyone’s human rights. Our mission is to advance policies and laws that enable immigrant survivors of gender-based violence to pursue legal immigration status, live in safety, and forge their own paths. Everything we do is in service of that goal.

    The immigration system is shattered. Survivors are denied access to safety because of policies and practices that could be fixed. The Tahirih Justice Center is prioritizing the following policy goals to immediately improve protections for immigrant survivors while simultaneously seeking long-term, systemic change.

  • What will Trump’s immigration ban mean for the Bay Area?

    May 11th, 2020

    The San Francisco Chronicle reports on the impact of the administration’s executive order to suspend some immigration on immigrant survivors. The article quotes Morgan Weibel, Executive Director of Tahirih SF […]

  • Trump acelera las expulsiones de inmigrantes sin papeles en plena pandemia

    May 11th, 2020

    A Spanish news outlet, El País, highlights the administration’s restrictive border policies that continue, even during the pandemic. The article quotes Shana Tabak, Tahirih Atlanta Executive Director, about her visit […]

  • Trump’s threat of total immigration ban ignites outrage, confusion

    May 11th, 2020

    ABC News reports on the administration’s proposed executive order that would suspend most immigration to the U.S. Since the announcement, it has raised questions about the fate of many immigrants […]

  • ‘Xenophobe in Chief:’ Trump’s Executive Order Has Nothing to Do With Coronavirus, Attorneys Say

    May 11th, 2020

    The Daily Beast quotes Archi Pyati, Tahirih Chief of Policy and Communications, on the administration’s executive order that would suspend most immigration to the U.S. Pyati shares, “Any executive order […]