Online Tool Joins Fight Against Forced Marriage
February 20th, 2015Preventforcedmarriage.org is recognized as a groundbreaking, one-stop resource for individuals facing and fleeing forced marriage.
Victims Face Long Wait Times as Court Backlog Increases
January 27th, 2015Central American immigrants’ right to due process is being threatened as their cases are placed at the front of the docket, giving them insufficient time to secure an attorney and prepare a case.
It Has to Stop: Warehousing Women and Children is Inhumane
December 14th, 2014When Maria talks about how escaping her abuser has meant ending up in jail with her daughter, she can’t hold back her tears. Before more jails for women and children spring up across the country, our nation needs to hear 2-year-old Sophie cough and watch 18-year-old Maria cry, like I did.
Performers Shed Light on Forced Marriage
December 3rd, 2014The fourth installment of “Honoring Our Heartbeats: A Tour to End Forced Marriage in the U.S.,” which took place at the Rutgers University Institute for Women’s Leadership, incorporated two short films, a skit performance and an open panel discussion to talk about forced marriages and similar forms of domestic abuse.
Protecting and Serving U.S. Immigrants
November 24th, 2014What’s the most interesting question in the aftermath of President Obama’s executive action on immigration?
Foreign Domestic Violence Victims May Now Qualify as Refugees
October 28th, 2014Martha’s gangster boyfriend threw her down a flight of stairs and struck her so hard in her head that her ears rang for hours. Now, a landmark ruling in August from the nation’s highest immigration court could help Martha and other domestic violence survivors.
How I Honor My Heartbeat
September 18th, 2014I have had to endure my own journey with this book. When I first flipped through it I heard my blood loudly in my ears as I saw my face in the faces of the girls drawn in thick black lines. I remembered growing through the pain of cultural multiplicity as a young South Asian American.